Tuesday, December 12, 2006

What's Updog?

Remember that episode of The Office with updog? Last week, my coworker David and I tried to see if the verbal joke converted to a written-IM-based one. We were slim-to-none better than successful.

Case in point:

Nat says:
It smells like updog in here.

stephen says:
did you take a shower today?
Nat says:
Boo. You ruined the game.

stephen says:
stephen says:
Nat says:
what's updog?

Nat says:
that's what you're supposed to say.

stephen says:
ah, what's updog?
stephen says:
(thought it was a typo)
Nat says:
no, no no. we're just playing a silly game.

stephen says:
oh. please forgive my stupidity
Nat says:
actually, it's probably a smarter thing.

Kudos Stephen, for being smarter than the average bear. Mostly all of the reactions were similar to this save one or two suckers.


Minnesota Fan said...

My favorite was "Updog? What's that?" I think that may have been in the original episode, to which Michael Scott replied, "Not much, what's up with you?" Classic.

Unknown said...

I feel impressed to say that like Stephen, I completely missed the joke. When David asked me, I thought he was asking about the Yoga move--updog, downdog, etc.

Anonymous said...


Definitely, maybe, probaby related posts:

If NatA! posted a photo with this blog, here it is!