Thursday, May 21, 2009

Two blogs in one week! Is it 2006 again?!

I'm long past due for a brain dump. Considering I'm leaving the country in T-minus 18 hours, I figured it'd be good to put the proverbial pen to the paper and leave some parting words with you in case they're my last. (FYI: I have Aflac Accident Insurance. If my life ends on any form of public transit [including a plane], there's a massive payout coming someone's way. Make sure to cash in on that, okay?)

  • I've been such an infrequent blogger I haven't even shared my thoughts on American Idol!!! My first two years of blogging centered heavily on my opinions of Idol; I'm regretting the fact I never even called out how much I loved Kris "with a K" Allen. I've been singing his praises since the Semis, so I felt pretty good when he took the crown tonight. Spoiler Alert: Kris won.
  • Last week wasn't the best week of my life. My church burned down, I got a terrible haircut, the Celtics lost in the Playoffs, I worked a million hours and some other non-blog-appropriate drama made me a bit edgy last week. The silver lining was my week was too stressful to get super worked up about my hair (or lack of). If you ever envied my hair, don't worry! It's gone now.
  • Last week is over! Wahoo!
  • I'm going to Prague! Thurs night to Monday night. A super quick trip with my best co-worker, we're doing the bulk of time in Prague and then a day/night in Zurich, Switzerland. My friend Heather has done the bulk of the logistics as I've been buried in work--it's a double edged sword! If you've traveled with me before, you know how much I love doing the logistical planning! This time I haven't done a spot of it. I should probably look at a map at least so I have some general idea of where I am.
  • I don't speak a single word of Czech,. I realized today. Not "yes," not "no", not "hello", not "please don't throw me in a prison." And Czech isn't a romance language so I can't fake it til I make it. Annnnnnnnd I haven't really had the time to think about it until tonight. It's going to be an adventure, let me tell you what.
  • I had to Google how to spell "Czech" just now. This is how out of my league I'm going to be. Also, the money currency is like 17 kl to 1 USD. That should be some fun math. But other country money always feels like toy money. Spend at will!
  • The gal I'm traveling with is probably the most fashionable person I know. This makes trip outfit planning even more high-stress. I think (hope) I've put together some appropriate selections. I am a little nervous as I don't even know what we'll be doing in Prague (besides not working that is), let alone if my clothes are right. But I'm trying not to worry! Here's the hotel we're staying in though, it looks pretty fancy. I'm determined not to wear a shirt and cardigan every day. Stay tuned for an update.
  • I haven't been on a run since the Half--it's been almost two weeks. When I get back from my trip I'll have to get back on the proverbial horse (treadmill) to salvage my weight alone. Since the race I've pretty much taken it upon myself to eat like I ran a Half every day. Will have to kick it into high gear once I get back. I've got two hot weddings to attend in August!
  • If you happen to be LDS, be a good visiting or home teacher. And allow yourself to be visited. Good things come when you stop feeling obligated and start looking forward to it.
  • The weather here is spectacular. 60's-70's every day. Glorious. We've been eating outside quite a bit, and it's easy to refall in love with Boston all over again. Come visit me! My day was cured today driving with the window open, looking at the most beautiful sunset. (It also helped I was on my way to pick up Texas Roadhouse to-go!)
  • Other than Prague, I don't have any big summer travel plans. In fact, I dont' have any. I have, however, been making an effort to plan little get-away trips to close-by places. Last weekend, I found a pretty great hotel on the Cape for $80. The weather was gorgeous, the company was better, and the area wasn't clogged with tourists just yet. We ate a lot of food and laughed a ridiculous amount. Being an adult is awesome.
Cape Cod


Carly said...

Have so much fun! Be safe! Can't wait to see all your pics!

And btw, your hair is still gorgeous (even though it's not long). It will grow out. I learned my lesson the same way 3 years ago.

See you next week!

Lauren Andersen said...

czhech (SP??? haha!) sounds awesome. have a GREAT time!! also, your hair looks fabo. xo

Rachel Eve said...

Oh my gosh! I LOVE your hair! It's so cute! You are so gorgeous.

Have fun in Prague! That made me laugh about not speaking a single work of Czech. I would be panicking if I were you too.

I love KRIS ALLEN! I'm so happy happy happy that he won.

Alaina said...

Holy I LOVE that top left picture of your Celtics colors - your hair is darling and you look dang skinny! Eat away baby!

Definitely, maybe, probaby related posts:

If NatA! posted a photo with this blog, here it is!