Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Original Thought - Our Need to Keep Searching

I've been thinking about my blog lately and realizing I'm using it as a travel log. While that's all well and dandy (and I'll no doubt update early next week about my trip to Portland), I'd like to think I have deeper thoughts and a greater ability to write more than a summarized recap of what happened the day/weekend before. Writing a "this is what I chronologically did" blog is much easier than collecting random thoughts, analyzing them, and then presenting them in a logical, entertaining, and hopefully thoughtful manner.

Maybe I'm taking myself too seriously.

Nonetheless, I was driving home from work last week and had an epiphany of experience. I've been on a country music kick this last year and as such, the country format dominates the speed-dial buttons on my radio. I pushed a random country-music button and to my great delight, my favorite song was on--and even better, it was just beginning! The long, hot drive home suddenly seemed a little less daunting.

Two seconds later, without giving it a second thought, I scanned through the other two country stations on my speed dial. Heck, I might have even pushed through the other three stations as well. Catching myself air-walking, I started an inner dialogue in my head.

Why? Why? Why?

I was already listening to my absolute favorite song on the radio. It was just starting! What could have been better? What?! I had exactly what I needed at that exact moment to be happy--but I couldn't be complacent until I knew that I had the best option. I had to see if I was missing something better somewhere else.

Even if logically I knew I had the best option, my human nature took over and forced me to wonder what else out there was better. Isn't that what happens in relationships as well? You can be happy dating the person you're with, but eventually you start to wonder who else is out there and what more they can offer you. Why can't we just be satisfied with what we have? Why must we always want more or better? It's a trap I tell you, a trap!

Since then, I've tried really hard to test myself. I turn the radio on and if I like the song playing, I force myself to stay on that station. Really! It's an inner struggle, but I think I'm winning.

Heck, we all want to be winners. And happy, complacent winners to boot. So if want to regain some control in your life, try to lay off the button pushing. Or channel surfing. Or iPod circling.

Learning to be in Control

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