Monday, October 06, 2008

Home Sweet

Howdy folks! Can you believe it's October already? I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that August is long gone. I feel like I lost two months of my life moving across town--one month in prep work, the other in unpack work. To a degree, I feel I've dropped off the map. Time to reinsert myself in both the cyber and brick-and-mortar world.

I don't know that I've adequately expressed how much I love my new place and situation. It's a win on pretty much every front. In fact, I'm hard pressed to find a con to my new arrangement! I could start the list, but your eyes would probably glaze over. So we'll keep it moving...

My parents love a lot of things, but three lucky motives combined in my favor a few weeks ago--their love of Boston, redecorating/handy-man work, and me. In just more than two days, my loving parents transformed a cold, white-walled, furniture-heavy apartment into a custom pillows-sewn, pictures-hung, shelves-leveled, curtained, planted, wall-papered wonderland. Not enough can be said about the grand change--I love it because it makes me feel like I'm at home; both in the literal sense, but also in my parent's home. It's a wonderful feeling. Come see it for yourself!

before--void of color, void of life

after--infused with color, infused with life

How lucky am I to have already received my Christmas gift too? Check out my gorgeous lamp below. That antique floor lamp was dismantled and oh-so-carefully packed into a box, checked on the airplane, and then lovingly reassembled in the 617. It's even more beautiful in person.
come lounge!

It's okay if you want to come live here. I do too.


Jody said...

I know that lamp!

NatAttack said...

jod--you may be one of my only non-family readers who recognize the tradition! yay.

kendall said...

Ohhh I love your house. Lucky you. :) Maybe I'll quit work a month early and just live with you as a bum for awhile. I'll make food all day.

NatAttack said...

SOLD! You can me my house-sister.

NatAttack said...

me = be.

Must be a Monday.

Bags said...

Nice. When can I move in?

Angie said...

Ir looks great! It's amazing what decorations can do to a place. Reminds me that I REALLY need to do something with our house.

Angie said...

Ir = It

Yep, definitely Monday.

kimmy girl said...

natalie- it looks amazing!!! good work!

Jan said...

Love the shopping bags with ferns...great pics...great fun...when shall we do your bedroom?

stephanielynn said...

Looks so good!

ju said...

My favorite part is the connect 4 as deco.

that and the fact that I'll be sleeping there in less than a month.

NatAttack said...

You know how much I love that Connect Four...

Mallory Jan said...

Yay a real place for our real grown-up Natalie! I really hope I get to come and see it in person.

Lauren Andersen said...

how's the bike??

Alaina said...

I LOVE IT!!! Seriously - that before & after is amazing. AMAZING. I can't wait to see it - maybe once the January blahs hit?

Laura said...

This is, for lack of a better word at midnight, *neat*. Can I hire you to do my place?

Definitely, maybe, probaby related posts:

If NatA! posted a photo with this blog, here it is!