Sunday, October 19, 2008


Last Saturday, I was in Maine. This Saturday, on the mall in Washington DC, doing the monument marathon walk with my gal Michele. Like last week, the weather couldn't have been ordered any better, nor the company. Gosh I had a great weekend.

Mich has lived in the Nation's Capital (Capitol? where are my D-Mark copywriting friends?) for more than a year and I'm surprised I haven't been down there yet. In a somewhat random and spontaneous moment, I bought a ticket, and off we went. And went. And went.


Though the photos are gorgeous--seriously, could the color be any better?--the highlight of the trip was definitely the giggling and chit-chat that kept us entertained the four days I was in town. On the heels of a really rough week at work, it was exactly what I needed to reboot my system. Yay.

Tonight, I'm kicking it in downtown Dayton, Ohio. Glamorous, no? No. Though the warm cookie at check-in went a long way. More thoughts and observations of D-town coming your way later. Later as in tomorrow, not later as in later tonight. I still have to iron my pants for tomorrow. I haven't ironed in years, wish me the best.


Alaina said...

Holy Beautiful Color! You weren't kidding. Amazing. I wish I were you sometimes.

MishMyBelle said...

can you come again next weekend? the weekend seriously went by too fast. Thanks for coming! I loved every minute. I wish I had some hot tamales right now.

Anonymous said...

"Capital" is the city that is the seat of government...

"Capitol" is the building in which the government works....

Mallory Jan said...

I am seriously so jealous right now. I would love a trip to Washington DC. Once again I wish I could be you.

Jan said...

Lovely! thanks for sharing gorgeous pics. I want to be there, too. Maybe next year.

Mary B said...

I love your life! And that I get to live vicariously through your blog. And you!

Lauren Andersen said...

awesome photos nat!! xoxo

Definitely, maybe, probaby related posts:

If NatA! posted a photo with this blog, here it is!