Thursday, September 14, 2006

"Crossed Legs" Strike

This might be the coolest thing I've heard in awhile.

Columbian women call a sex strike in an effort to curtail violent crime.

Talk about power of the people! Really, what a genius idea. I wonder if it'll prove effective.


Anonymous said...

it makes for a good headline, but really....

1. Do they REALLY think their gang-member boyfriends are just going to submit to the ultimatum, and choose one or the other? They're going to pit violence (their livelihood) against sex (what other past time do these people have? They're not reading books....). I don't see any strategy in that at all.

2. Yeah, lets make the angry mob guy who just killed someone even more stressed/tense/skittish by denying him sex.......right.

I forsee more rape in the future and/or new girlfriends. Women who think men will turn into blathering fools when deprived of sex have been watching too much "everybody loves raymond".

The fact that the only sway these women think they might have with their boyfriends is sex only shows that that is all their boyfriends have them around for.

I'm reminded of when our pet cat decided that she was going to stop using her litter box until we moved back to AZ. Even my MOM didn't put up with that for long.

NatAttack said...

You watch "Everybody Loves Raymond"?

Definitely, maybe, probaby related posts:

If NatA! posted a photo with this blog, here it is!