Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Holy Hipbones

Two celebrity-related posts in a row? Oh boy. What is this blog coming to?

Don't worry, I threw up a little in my mouth too. How can she even deny having an eating disorder?

Nicole tells US Magazine, “I am not anorexic."

WTF? She's a poster-child for malnourished kids in Africa. Does anyone think this is attractive?

The funny part is the guy jogging behind her--he's probably considered a thin/lean/rangy type. But behind old Bag-o-Bones, he looks positively meaty!

1 comment:

maWeesa said...

i saw this pic and i wondered if it is actually real... what do you think?.. i mean could she really look that bad?.. if so she's freakin sick...

Definitely, maybe, probaby related posts:

If NatA! posted a photo with this blog, here it is!