Friday, November 17, 2006

It's Time to Choose Sides

Anyone who watched The Office last night was super thrilled to see the Jim/Pam reunion. The general feeling was definitely bittersweet. How excited am I that Jim is back in Scranton? Stoked. How much do I love what Jenna Fischer does with Pam? Infinitesimal. How enamored am I with Karen, who I should be predispositioned to hate? Quite a bit.

The writers of The Office have done an incredible job of setting up this love triangle that's sure to create a cross-seasonal arc of epic proportion.

(I changed the video from my previous post--I liked this one better.)

It's time now to choose sides. Are you Team Pam or Team Karen? (And who will buy me one of these for my birthday?)


Becki said...

and let us not forget the magic of the dwight, michael, andy love triangle!

stephanielynn said...

I'm on the fence. I do like Karen...but it's 'Jim and Pam'. I'm so torn! :)

Definitely, maybe, probaby related posts:

If NatA! posted a photo with this blog, here it is!