Wednesday, November 22, 2006

The New Equation

I'm already sad/bummed I have to be at work today, Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving. What's slightly redeeming however, is the fact that half the office is out--allowing everyone un/lucky enough to be here the chance to catch up and screw around. It's an interesting balance.

All that aside, I was equally sad/bummed to run through the links on my page of the blogs I check and see that no one, not one!, of my favorite blog reads have updated in the last few days. The soonest update was Stephanie on Monday; but most people are sitting at a 4-6 day update lag. Oh for sad. Everyone was moving and grooving for so long in the blogging world, but we've grown stagnant. In my mind (and in conjunction with other previous offline conversation) I came up with the new equational hypothesis:

If blogging is the new MySpace, and family holidays are the the new time-suckers, then time is getting sucked into family holidays, and blogging suffers.


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Definitely, maybe, probaby related posts:

If NatA! posted a photo with this blog, here it is!