Tuesday, October 31, 2006


How can it be only 2:44 in the afternoon and I'm already sick to my stomach from too many Skittles and Starburst? Halloween festivities have hardly even started... and my coworkers know my weaknesses all too well...

Though my work is freakin nuts about Halloween. Best costume today? Four people dressed in Tetris-piece costumes. What a genius idea I am going to steal at some point in the future.

Every year there's a "group decoration" contest... and these are two of the winning entries--'"Heaven" in my area, and "Pirate Jungle" in the direct mail creative group.

Having dressed up both Friday and Saturday nights, and knowing another full Goth run will probably ensue this evening as well, I forewent the extreme costuming at work today and simply wore the angel wings. Rollin, creepy as all get out, won the company's best costume this year (ironically a very coveted award.)

1 comment:

Jay-Z said...

When I first saw the photo I thought "I'm SO JEALOUS they built a fort with boxes!" Seriously, I was really jealous. But Tetris piece costumes are cool too.

Definitely, maybe, probaby related posts:

If NatA! posted a photo with this blog, here it is!