Let me tell you a story.
So awhile back, I found the cutest wide-leg, dark-wash, long-enough-even-for-me Seven jeans at the Junk STore in Salt Lake. These jeans were beautiful, fit like a dream, and were only $30. Sign me up.
I tried them on in the back room and discovered they didn't have a zipper. Curses. Now I knew why they were discounted so. Nevertheless, my mother is a quasi-expert seamstress. (Stress on the "quasi" part of the seaming.) I knew she could fix them right up for me.
At Christmas time I took them home to Portland for her to repair. (And when I say took them home, I mean wore them home zipperless and all in an effort to conserve space.) Long story short, she couldn't put a zipper in them. Apparently sewing zippers is one of the hardest parts of construction and I didn't care to make her work that hard.
"Why not put a piece of velcro in them?," I asked.
"If you're sure that's what you want," Mom replied.
"Rock 'n roll," I say.
Loooong story long, my most favorite pair of pants in the world (the ones you've probably seen me wear or our probably seeing me wear) have a velcro fastener. Annoying at first, I have warmed to the quick lickity-split open/close and am starting to prefer the velcro to my zippered pants.
STep 1: Undo button
Step 2: Riiiiiiiiiiiiiip
See how easy it is? I'm starting a new trend you know. Haven't you heard? Velcro is the new zipper.
This is hilar! I'm changing all of my pants today, stat!
Stat. How clever, using medical terms on a post entitled "Nurse Pants."
I knew there was a reason I liked you.
.....and you never have alignment problems? I had a bathing suit with velcro and it was a pain to get lined up right sometimes.
I guess you only have to undo it enough to get it over your hips though, so you probably don't have a lot of aligning to do. Usually I had to get all the way to the bottom of my velcro to pee.
There are all sorts of "easy access" jokes I could make here. Instead, I'll simply say, "WOOHOO!" Good for you! Way to rock the designerslashvelcro styles.
Nat, love it! Way to be resourceful! And sevens for only $30....what a deal!
beware, after time the velcroness starts to get a little soft. repair will be needed.
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