I've realized that I haven't really
written anything lately. My posts have been mostly cheap thrills via YouTube, screencaptures of strange websites/banners, or celebrity commentary. Some might argue, but I feel I'm (at least on some levels) a little deeper than that. Some, not much.
It occurred to me that I haven't written many wordy posts lately because I'm getting sick of words. In the last three weeks at work, I've written
321 emails. I've received
four times that many. I enter at least three dozen log updates in our tracking software daily in addition to the IM-ing I do with my peers to clarify the work I've assigned. And I don't even have the heaviest workload of the people who do my job.
Since we no longer have internet at home, I'm forced to blog at work--and sometimes I don't feel like using words anymore! I like pictures and easy laughs. But alas, I'll try harder to be a real blogger and quit using cheap tricks to keep my readers happy.
In the continuing thread of guessing, does anyone know where my headline is from? For many of you, this shouldn't be hard. Either you watch, or you don't.
Here, written out in word form, are some of the thoughts I've had today.
a. It's time to have my eyebrows waxed again. Wildabeast growing on my face.
b. Why do yogurt lids spit-up without fail,
every time you open them? Annoying.
c. Amanda and I are wearing the same pants and shoes. Twinners!
d. I guess I'll plan on another long run tonight again since bowling will without fail not happen.
e. I've
got to get this insomnia thing under control. Lying in bed for three hours without falling asleep is punishment suitable only for murderers and boys who leave the toilet seat up in my bathroom.
f. Our house smells like a sweet combination of rotting bathroom walls and cigarette smoke from the white trash neighbors. Enter at your own risk.
g. This post is getting long and if I continue writing more words I'll lose all the people who come to look at flashy pictures.