Monday, March 19, 2007

Accountability is a Beast

Good news every one! My insurance cards came in the mail today so you're totally welcome to take me to the hospital now if I get injured in some freak accident. Which is a good feeling. I didn't really want to sit at home with a gaping bloody wound if I lost the dance off with said hoods outside the dry cleaners by the gym and they went ahead and cut me.

And I would have without the insurance cards the postman surprised me with today.

Please note: I am allergic to doxycyclin and the -cycline family of medications. You have all been warned. If I'm injured and you allow me to take drugs of a -cycline nature I will hunt you down and figure out what gives you the most painful hives that spread over your entire body of your entire life.

Deal? Deal.

This is Nat, from her bedroom, signing off for Nat Attack is the new BloG.


stephanielynn said...

I take no responsibility. I can't handle that kind of pressure.

PS - The dance off still makes me laugh.

Rachel said...

I bet you can't run faster than me when you have a scorching case of itching hives.

Definitely, maybe, probaby related posts:

If NatA! posted a photo with this blog, here it is!