Friday, March 09, 2007

Think I'll Start a New Life

Third blog of the day... I'm on some kind of roll...

Today is the first day the number of Massachusetts readers outnumber the Utahans.

I do believe some kind of critical milestone has been reached.

So happy I'm here!


Unknown said...

Ok, you asked for it...What about TEXAS, and ME?! Realize you must factor in quality with your quantity, and size might as well be thrown in the mix if we're talking about states, especially if Texas is involved. I officially reject the statistics, as i am not satisfied with the implications of the results.

Rachel said...

Halla!! MA rocks! You are loved!

Cabra Forte said...

I get two states, Arizona, because it is the homeland, and California, because I currently reside here. And my score gets added to Claytons score, just because. So...that should mean something, right?

NatAttack said...

Oh you two are crybabies, aren't you? Next time I'll remember to add a disclaimer for high school friends. And considering you're the only two I have remotely consistant contact with that says a lot. To my oldest friends!

ju said...

amen, halla, halla! boston 4 life and all that good stuff...maybe your friends should get smart and move out here too and we can all play for the same team!

p.s. 3 blogs in one day does not give you the right to not blog for the following 3 days. come on nat, we count on you for a daily update!

Unknown said...

Wait....where is Boston again? I think that's in the USA, but i'm having a hard time finding it on the map. I keep running into Texas.

Cabra Forte said...

Hahahahahaha!!! I think Clayton gets our team 25 extra state points, for by far the funniest argument thus far.

Definitely, maybe, probaby related posts:

If NatA! posted a photo with this blog, here it is!