Yes, there are sunrises in Massachusetts. But I can't sleep in a house in a room overlooking the Atlantic Ocean in Massachusetts can I?
A very quick, very spontaneous trip to New Haven, CT was thrust upon me last evening at 10:15 PM at our house-hosted Games 'n Goodies night. Nevermind the fact I have to work at 9:30 the next morning, I'm in.
Why'd we go? Brian had to go to his dad's house and pick up the Audi S4 being hand-me-downed. Someone needed to drive his manual car back home the next morning--and I was the only experienced stick driver willing to make the trip.
The drive there was probably my favorite part--we created random traditions at random mile posts: "Say something nice about the person sitting counter-clockwise you" at mile 96.4 and "What was your first impression of ______" at mile 44.2.
We stayed up chatting, playing the piano, driving Brian's new Audi at insanely fast speeds on two lane, small town roads, and a host of other "only on road trips when it's way too late" type activities.
5:30 dawned awfully early, but it was worth it to see the sunrise. Yeah that's right, coming from me!--the non-morningest-person in the world--it was awesome to see. In fact I stood outside in sub-freezing temperatures for at least ten minutes taking it all in.
This is what being young is about. And I think Tevya may agree.
Natalie! I was SO stoked to be able to spend quality time with you. You're the best.
I still cannot believe that I just up and went on that trip. I am insane.
I can't believe the view from the house - amazing.
Not to mention the great view in the driver's seat. Owwww!
Also - I TOTALLY did Fiddler on the Roof in high school. I was Hodel.
Beautiful view, fun road trip...I'm totally jealous...but I like sleep more anyway. wink.
Beautiful view, fun road trip...I'm totally jealous...but I like sleep more anyway. wink.
This is what being alive is about...even your mother would agree...kinobud
Natalie--you're so funny, I love reading your blog. Did you even know I read it?
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