Friday, February 23, 2007

You Complete Me

Finally, finally.

I'm about to become the happiest girl in the whole USA (shout out if you know the song!). Four very short, and very long, days from now, I will have broadcast and cable television reentered into my life.

I promised myself as soon as I secured a job that would pay the bills, I'd fulfill one of my greatest wishes, hopes, dreams, and desires and get cable with recording privlidges.

Scoff if you will. Jest if you must. I'm not a TV addict; I like the shows I like and religiously keep up on them. Just in case you were wondering, these shows are (in no particular order):

Friday Night Lights, The Office, Grey's Anatomy, and Veronica Mars. (And FYI, each of these websites has deleted scenes, extras, episode recaps, interviews, etc.)

That's it! My list is relatively short, but of course I can be convinced to watch many, many other shows. DVR/TiVo is about to make its inaugural appearance--and I just know we're going to have a fruitful relationship. Watching what I want, when I want... I think I'm in love.

One question for all my cable-savvy readers. Do any of you have ON DEMAND? If so, is it worth the extra $7.80/month?

And since my cable isn't getting installed until Tuesday, can I PUH-LEEZE watch the Oscars at someone's house on Sunday night?


stephanielynn said...

I've said it before and I'll say it again...DVR will change your life!

You may not be addicted to TV, but I am and with a DVR it makes it all Ok! You don't have to plan your life around being there to watch.

Hip, hip...

Carly said...

I love the Office!! I wish I had DVR too, but for now I have to catch episodes online that I miss. You will be my new best friend though when I miss an episode... :) And just to prove it, you're more than welcome to watch the Oscars at my house, after the Fireside that is...

By the way, come celebrate my B-Day with me tomorrow night, we're going to dinner. I didn't have your email so thought I'd let you know this way. Chili's at 7, let me know if you're interested!

kendall said...


Kaos Baggins said...

I love "Grey's Anatomy", is a great show
thanks for the page
In Spain we are seeing an earler season, with "Dr House" at the sime tiem in other channel arrgghhhh!!!!! :)
I think that I will to buy the DVDs

Whits said...

I have DVR and it does change your life. I love the Office and I'm addicted to Greys too. I've added The Hills (guilty pleasure), 24, and American Idol to the list. Don't get the On DEMAND, its not worth it. DVR is all you need. :D

Unknown said...

On demand sucks. Don't bother.

Definitely, maybe, probaby related posts:

If NatA! posted a photo with this blog, here it is!