Monday, April 09, 2007

Day of East

"I read both Kendall and Mallory's Easter blogs. Where is yours?," my mother so sweetly asked on the phone this afternoon.

This is why consistent bloggers finally throw in the towel.
The pressure to perform! Egads.

So without further adieu... my Easter weekend in photos.

The Easter Eve party--So I Married an Axe Murderer, plentiful goodies, and me dressing like a boy:

The Easter Eggs hidden so well that there are still four missing in the living areas of our house. Prizes for whoever can find them--because we sure as heck cannot.

A traditional ham and potatoes Easter dinner with these lovely ladies. You can't imagine the conversation at the post-dinner table. The one boy in attendance couldn't either. HiLARious is all I can say.

Are you disapointed? Maybe in this blog, maybe in my tardiness, but do not be dissapointed in my day. It was a fantastic Easter--it's nice to have friends who act as family when we're away from our own. On to the next holiday.... FLAG DAY!


Anonymous said...

You can't be serious Natalie.
There is still Tax Day(photos going to the post office frantically are always good posts), Earth Day (apparently uber spectacular this year with Al Gore's World Concert), Cinco de Mayo (Hello Hola anyone?) Mother's Day (aka I'm not married, but I'll still get flowers at church day), Kiss FM Concert Day (pretty much what I dream about every night and siesta), Memorial Day (pull out the white shoes and sick jellys..if you haven't already), then your famously underappreciated Flag Day. This blog is read by everyone Nat, you need to stay on top of your game. I don't need to remind you to do this. I love you unconditionally still, however...

Unknown said...

So you just drop the hint that there was some astoundingly interesting conversation, and then don't bother to even mention what it could've been about?

Definitely, maybe, probaby related posts:

If NatA! posted a photo with this blog, here it is!