Monday, April 23, 2007

HP, HG, and PP

If you've spent any time on YouTube, you know there are people who put clip shows of just about EVERYTHING together.

This is perhaps the first truly clever one I've seen (besides the Jim/Dwight Brokeback Mountain trailer) and thought I'd pass it along.

I've been a little obsessed with Hermione for the last few books/movies now, so this is perfect!

Thanks to Carly for showing this to me--and this is for my sister Kendall if no one else!


kendall said...

I will post a better comment on this tomorrow when i am not on BYU internet and can see the youtube video!

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha, Loved it. Mal will love it. All anyone talks of in this house is Harry Potter... Have already been informed I MAY NOT go to the midnight showing of the new Harry Potter showing with Mallory. Anyone else want to invite me?

NatAttack said...

You are of COURSE welcome to come with me. The theater right off Boston Common is where we'll be seeing it. THREE HOURS before Ken & Mal. Think how you could rub THAT in their faces?

Then again that would be a rather expensive movie ticket... XOXO!

Mallory Jan said...

What a bundle of joy this had brought me. I can't tell which movie I want to watch more. Thank you youtube for this wonderful piece of art.

Mom you can go to the midnight premiere but just at a different theater. I have dibs on bridgeport.

kendall said...

haha, that was wonderful. Thaaaank YOU!

Rachel said...

Can't wait for H.P.!! Let's go together???!!

Definitely, maybe, probaby related posts:

If NatA! posted a photo with this blog, here it is!