I've decided that I feel pressure to blog about one thing or group of related things; make snarky commentary, tie it in a neat bow, and close out the blog. My mind isn't working that way lately. In fact, I think my life is more one-liners than anything else, so forgive me for a minute as I spout off about anything, everything, and nothing all at the same time:
- WHY does Subway only give you two napkins when you order a sandwich? Everyone knows you'll need at least seven to keep the sweet onion sauce off your pants.
- gChat is definitely where it's at. I love chatting with all my friends at work.
- Now that Sanjacrappy is gone, the race for American Idol can officially begin. Last night's show was pretty good--but two quick thoughts. #1. I can't look at Melinda and not think that she looks like Dr. Bailey. #2. I really love the fundraising efforts of the "Idol Gives Back," but same things were clipped together over and over again. I finally sent Stephanie a text that said, "Too many montages of underprivileged people. I mean I have a heart; but I'm laying in bed eating Hot Tamales. Have I no sanctuary?" Four clips was plenty; but I did feel a little guilty fastforwarding through the fifth.
- Speaking of Hot Tamales, I'm officially hooked. Hot Tamales are the new Skittles.
- I don't even love hot dogs; but I've had three at Target in the last ten days.
- EVERY morning between 5:35 and 5:45, Little Gus-Gus starts jackhammering on the wall of my room. Literally, I don't know what he's doing (or why he has such routined schedule). He's between the wall either installing a monorail or making dry ice bombs I'm pretty sure. Either way, I do know, that every morning, between 5:35 and 5:45 I'm standing, drowsily whapping my tennis racket against the wall. He usually gets the point and simmers down. I'm depressed to say this is as close to courting as I may get.
- The weather has finally turned! Nothing makes me happier than driving with my windows open listening to music I love.
Check out this really sweet Red Sox shirt I'm about to win on eBay:
- I started wearing maternity clothes. Well, I guess I didn't start per say because I already have been. I bought a really cute brown cotton skirt from the Gap outlet yesterday for a measly sum. Should I care that it's labeled "maternity"? I don't. I consider it a rather excellent way to conceal lovehandles. (**Note to friends: if I ever start to actually look like I'm wearing maternity clothes [whether I am or not] please inform me. Cheers.)
- I will eat anything in sight. Even if I'm not hungry.
- I work in a small office. Both employee-size and physical space. The fact that two of the workers (20 percent) of the team feel the need to shout into their phones (cell or landline) is ear-bleedingly annoying. Shouting does not ever make the reception better.
- Rosie is off the View. Sad! Not that I watch the View, but I like reading about the psuedo-drama she initiates and participates in.
- I still continue to read more about TV than I watch it.
By now, you all know I'm a little obsessed with my Gucci fannypack. Last night, while flipping channels, Sex & the City was on, and no joke, Sarah Jessica Parker was wearing my Gucci fanny pack. I had no idea they were so fashionable! Or valuable!
- My sister Mallory's high school rugby team won state (in Oregon) and is going to Nationals. Whoop! Anyone want to take a quick trip to Milwaukee?
- I was watching America's Next Top Model last week and was kind of annoyed. I could have rocked that show!
- I hate Bratz dolls, wet sports bras, and the fact that I need to have my oil changed and keep getting to the mechanic right as they're closing.
- If I didn't send this to you already, this is a really interesting article written by Orson Scott Card about a Mormon running for the Presidency.
- BYU is done with their finals meaning my sister Kendall went home. I kind of wish (read: really) I was there, spending the summer, just dinking around with my family.
My niece Adrie had surgery on her eye last week. I didn't know they made hospital gowns this small. It's so cute!!!
- I continue to be obsessively addicted to reading blogs. You people are all so talented! and I love reading your crap.
- My Grandma Williams has an iPod, exercises with it, and that cracks me up a little.
Thanks for allowing me to brain dump. Maybe now I can reorganize my thoughts and contribute something worthwhile to society.
I'm off to Subway to drip sauce all over my pants! Turkey Wednesday!
THIS is my FAVORITE kind of blog. I love to hear your brain dumps. Hit me up anytime.
and hooray for a link to MY blog! Maybe I'll gain some popularity now :)
i too appreciate the post. i did one similarly but erased it thinking no one would care. now that i am on the other end i feel otherwise. a brain dump or two for you:
1. i have fallen in love with edamame (soy) beans and have recently heard that they cause alzheimer's?
2. my grandma gchats with me and calls me if she hasn't seen me on the computer to make sure i am okay.
3. after 5 hrs of sleep, why am i still up?
I LOVE the random thoughts that come from your brain and am amazed at how fast you can put them together. It reminds me of that thing Dumbledore uses in Harry Potter! So keep sending us those random brain dumps...my favorite kind, too...and I love edamame, too! They taste a lot like fresh raw peas!
a) Gus gus sounds like quite the interesting fellow.
b) I just got very nostalgic and want you to come home for the summer and inhale Diet Cokes
c) I am so proud of your fanny pack.
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